Saturday, June 20, 2009


Okay my camera was fixed so here are the pics!!!

This is my mom... and some pots in Dubai

These are Jherkins... they look like pickles, but don't be mistaken because they are NOT!!! I had one at the hotel we stayed in, in Dubai for breakfast... NOT GOOD!!!

Sorry I'm going out, but I will post more when I get back!! :)


  1. What did the "pickles" taste like Heath? and btw guess who i saw at culvers?????? ... FUN RUN BUDDY!!!! im not kidding! He works there!!!! AHH i really wanted to text u but i couldnt cuz ur like half way around the world :( I miss u and I hope you are having the time of ur life! Dont forget to go deep see fishing and I want that video! Also im expecting like a picture of a lion or something! okay? Im actually really sad... i miss you a lot right now! I cant wait to hear back from you! I love you heath! and HI Caroline!
    love Sarah!

  2. What did the "pickles" taste like Heath? and btw guess who i saw at culvers?????? ... FUN RUN BUDDY!!!! im not kidding! He works there!!!! AHH i really wanted to text u but i couldnt cuz ur like half way around the world :( I miss u and I hope you are having the time of ur life! Dont forget to go deep see fishing and I want that video! Also im expecting like a picture of a lion or something! okay? Im actually really sad... i miss you a lot right now! I cant wait to hear back from you! I love you heath! and HI Caroline!
    omg btw guess what? u probably already heard but Micheal Jackson died on Thurs! No joke i think it was a heart attack
    I miss you like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    love Sarah!

  3. haha wait... i might've posted that twice? whoops! haha :)

  4. SARAH!!!! I miss u 2!!!! and the pickle thingies tasted... sour and salty.... WEIRD!!! hahahah! Uh I havent updatd my blog a klot bc it takes likje 10 min for each pic bc th internet is so slow!!!! hahaha! but i amm going parasailing 2day and the thing where u look like an astronaut and walk under water! gahaha! im so ectied! btw, i cant type w/ fake naile!!!



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