Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hey everybody!!!
Here are some more pics:

This is me parasailing in Mauritius. We also went undersea-walking that day!!!

Well I will have to make my mom upload some photos bc it takes 4ever!!!


  1. sweet!!! I want to parasail!!!! You are going to be like black when you come home!!! HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A BLAST!!! IT SURE SOUNDS LIKE YOU ARE!!! MY COMPUTER IS STUCK IN CAPS NOW FOR SOME REASON!!! G2G SWIMMING NOW BYE!!!

  2. Heath so i had something else to post... but i cant remember becuase when i was writing it all of a sudden it started coming out in chinese charaters or some weird symbols... and i couldn't delete! I was so weird, i was a little creeped out!! haha so just thought that i would share with u cuz that would happen to me right?

  3. hahaha yeah that would happen 2 u sarah!! and did u kno that my facebook has been in arabic ever since I was in Dubai? hahaha! i miss u!



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